WiSHFUL coexistence demo (blacklisting)ΒΆ

  1. setup portable testbed (server / switch / nucs / rm090)

  2. create and swap-in experiment with jFed

  3. open ssh to each nuc and close it again

  4. open ssh to each nuc

  5. cd /groups/portable-ilabt-iminds-be/wishful/repos/contiki/ ; git pull
  6. cd ../taisc/ ; svn update
        [optional] pico .subversion/servers
        [optional] http-proxy-host = proxy2.intec.ugent.be
        [optional] http-proxy-port = 8080
  7. check symbolic links:

    ``ll compiler/``
     => lrwxrwxrwx  1 mkulin por-wishful    20 May 10 12:48 taisc.h -> taisc_P_rm090_D_la.h
  8. copy chain to contiki folder:

    cp examples/Wishful-chain.c ../contiki/platform/rm090/chain.c
  1. check symbolic links:

    ll ../contiki/platform/rm090/
    => lrwxrwxrwx  1 mkulin por-wishful    69 Jun 16 17:47 taisc.h -> /groups/portable-ilabt-iminds-be/wishful/repos/taisc/compiler/taisc.h
    => lrwxrwxrwx  1 mkulin por-wishful    72 Jun 16 17:49 taisc.o -> /groups/portable-ilabt-iminds-be/wishful/repos/taisc/vm/rm090/taisc_la.o
  2. create sensor binary:

    cd ../contiki/examples/rime/
    [optional] sudo pip install crc16
  3. copy binary to default dir:

    cp example-unicast.rm090 ../../../../scripts/binaries/Wishful-application.rm090
  4. flash nodes

  5. flash sensor nodes with correct short address on all nucs:

    cd /groups/portable-ilabt-iminds-be/wishful/scripts
    ./flash_nodes X
    (X = short_address of first node (/dev/ttyUSB0), takes +1 for every other sensor attached to that nuc) example:
    nuc1: ./flash_nodes 1
    nuc2: ./flash_nodes 5
    nuc3: ./flash_nodes 9
  6. goto wishful directory and export python path:

    cd /groups/portable-ilabt-iminds-be/wishful/repos/wishful_upis
    export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)
  7. run control program. example:

    python examples/showcase2/start_blacklisting_local.py -n 32 -c examples/showcase2/blacklisting_global.ini -f portable -m OML