Getting Support

At imec iLab.t you can use the following channels to get support:


Include your username, project and a relevant job-id if possible.

Other iLab.t testbeds


Federation monitoring

At you can verify if a particular testbed is fully operational or not.


jFed Feedback / Bugreport

When encountering a problem or an unexpected outcome while using jFed, you can use the Feedback/Bugreport-button to get assistance. This will launch a wizard with some questions, and allows you to describe the problem.

_images/support_jfed_bugreport_button.png _images/support_jfed_bugreport_example.png

Your input will then be sent to the jFed support team, together with a detailed log of all the AM API-calls that have been performed by jFed. This allows the team to do a thorough analysis of any error you encountered, which allows for a quick and detailed response.