````````````````````` jFed Experimenter GUI ````````````````````` Prerequisites ============= Windows ------- You need to install `PuTTY `_. You do not need to install java: it is bundled with the installer. Linux ----- If you do not use the debian repository, you need to `install java 8 manually `_. Mac --- You do not need to install java: it is bundled with the installer. But make sure that you start the jFed installer by downloading it, and then right-clicking and choosing 'Open'. Installation ============ To install the jFed experiment GUI, go to the `jFed downloads page `_, and follow the instruction there. .. # not needed: .. include:: running-dev-version.rst .. include:: firstexperiment.rst .. include:: advancedfeatures.rst .. include:: shortcuts.rst .. include:: caveats.rst .. include:: faq.rst